Like any other household item, dinner plates experience wear and tear as you use them. But if you’re putting away your dishes and notice some gray or black marks, don’t toss or donate them just yet. Those may not be actual scratches that you’re looking at — metal cutlery can leave scuff marks on your…
The How-To
First, grab the dish with the scuff marks and wet it with water. Then, take an abrasive powder, such as Bar Keepers Friend, and sprinkle it on the dish. Add enough powder so it creates a paste on the dish. Take a cloth and start rubbing it into the marks; continue scrubbing the surface until the marks disappear. Then you can clean off the dish and admire your work.
If you don’t have Bar Keepers Friend handy, don’t sweat. There are a few other solutions you can turn to instead. This hack works just as well with baking soda or cream of tartar. Simply sub it in to create a pastelike consistency and scrub away. Whichever product you choose, you’ll have scuff-free dishes in a matter of seconds.
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From Scratched To Sparkling
The hack works by creating a gentle abrasive cleaning solution that removes marks without scratching your dishes. Once you’ve restored one dish, you’ll be inspired to tackle the entire dinnerware set. Make your way through any other plates or bowls with scuffs from knives, forks, or spoons to restore your dishes to their former glory.
Some scuff marks may be hard to remove, so be prepared to use some elbow grease. At the end of the day, the results will be well worth it.